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Youth Week in Barra do Piraí - RJ

since 1993

“Here, we can really feel who we are.”
Testimony from a 14 year old participant

Trabalho com jovens em Pauji, Venezuela.

What is it?

This is a week -long immersion experience at our site in Barra do Piraí - RJ, held annually since 1993 with adolescents and young adults.

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What we do

One of the proposals throughout the week is to experience caring for the site as a true craft , in which we dedicate our attention to every detail of the work we do, engaging mind, body and feeling

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Arts Workshops (music, theater, dance, handicrafts) and Crafts (construction, cleaning, ambiance, cooking, gardening, confectionery, bakery) planned and guided by educators from Centros Etievan that enable participants to experience the principles of the Etievan Educational Model, such as attention, interest in seeking, love for voluntary effort , among others.

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