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welcome to the Etievan Cultural Center

Our practical and experiential methodology is always an invitation to try and discover. In a constant process of seeking self-awareness that integrates mind, body and feeling.

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Parents and Children's Week

Immersion experience in which families and educators work together, in an integrated educational direction with children. 

When : January - annual.
Age : 1 to 80 years old


PR60+ Project

Teaching journalism and digital tools to adults over 60, opening up a space for reflection on aging. 

When:  Semestral
Age : Adults 60+ 


Red Sea

A space for studying oneself through the practice of tapestry, inspired by the rock art of ancient civilizations and ethnicities of Brazil. 

When : Permanent workshop.
Age : 60+


Urban Garden

A space for families to learn to relate to food in a practical way while cultivating a deep relationship with nature.

When:  Saturdays from 9 am to 4 pm
Age : from 8 years old

“I feel that my family was very gifted with this opportunity to participate in the Etievan Centers workshops! The work is of very, very high quality.”


Our team

Our team of educators is formed by graduate and postgraduate professionals in the most diverse areas , who work in an integrated way in multidisciplinary experiences.  Assuming that “I can only give what I have received”, our educators impart experiences, not theories.  They maintain a constant learning attitude: they teach what they learn and continue learning in a continuous formation of the Etievan Educational Model. 

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